Beaver Creek News

You can stay up to date on news in beaver creek. You will need to have an account in order to read any news in beaver creek. You can create an account by using the “Register” button located at the top of the page.

  • 2023 Annual meeting packets missing invoices

    Invoices will not be due until March 1st, 2023. Regardless of what your physical invoice states, they will not be due until March 1st, 2023. For 2023 BCLO decided to use the law firm that handles general legal needs of the neighborhood to send out our annual meeting packets. Unfortunately, it appears as thought he…

    Read more: 2023 Annual meeting packets missing invoices
  • ID badges replacing stickers for 2023

    Your 2022 stickers will continue to grant you access to the dump until March 1st. If you have already been issued a new BCLO LOA Card you can use this or you can use your 2022 stickers until March 1st. Starting March 1st, 2023 ID badges will be replacing all stickers from all years prior…

    Read more: ID badges replacing stickers for 2023
  • Beaver Creek to get up to 30 new street lights.

    As of 1/5/2023 BCLO Inc board has approved the upgrading of and installation of up to 30 new street lights throughout the roads in beaver creek. The vote passed unanimously and will take effect immediately. If you see a pole that you think would benefit from a light, please reach out to Paul Koch or…

    Read more: Beaver Creek to get up to 30 new street lights.
  • Annual Meeting Information for 2023

    The annual meeting date has been set for : March 11th, 2023 at 10:00AM The annual meeting agenda as of this post is as follows : This list is not exhaustive, and will be updated as additional agenda items are added. Proxies will be taken by any member of the Nomination Committee, or by using…

    Read more: Annual Meeting Information for 2023
  • Beaver Creek has online payments!

    You can now make a payment online on the beaver creek website. You can navigate to this page Once on the new payment form you just need to fill in the information so we can take your payment. It’s important that you use a valid email address as this is what we will use…

    Read more: Beaver Creek has online payments!
  • 9/1/2022 BCLO Inc Board meeting rescheduled

    The BCLO Inc board is unable to make a quorum in order to hold the monthly BCLO inc board meeting on the first Thursday of the month. As such, we’ve rescheduled the meeting for the second Thursday of the month at 7:00PM CST. We’re sorry about the short notice of the post, and hope everyone…

    Read more: 9/1/2022 BCLO Inc Board meeting rescheduled
  • Minutes for the website

    At this time the website is not currently allowing residents to log in or view files. We’re in the process of updating the site to better reflect the functionality BCLO inc needs. In the meantime, all documents that require login to access ( Minutes, Financials, etc ) can be gotten by visiting the office during…

    Read more: Minutes for the website
  • Mailboxes Are Ready!

    The mailboxes are ready to be distributed to residents that need one. However; please review a list of the prerequisites to getting a mailbox. If you do not meet these, you are not going to be issued a mailbox. You must have filled out the mailbox request form located here : That’s all you…

    Read more: Mailboxes Are Ready!
  • BCLO Inc is accepting nominations for the BCLO Inc Board of directors as a Member at large.

    BCLO Inc is currently in need of nominations to appoint someone to the blco inc board of directors. This position will be for a member at large seat, and will run until 2024. Meetings take place on the first Thursday of every month. The announcement for this position will be made Friday, June 24th, 2022.…

    Read more: BCLO Inc is accepting nominations for the BCLO Inc Board of directors as a Member at large.
  • 3/28/2022 Board Meeting Cancelled

    The march 28th, 2022 board meeting has been canceled as there is no business to discuss within BCLO inc. Thanks!

    Read more: 3/28/2022 Board Meeting Cancelled