Beaver Creek News

You can stay up to date on news in beaver creek. You will need to have an account in order to read any news in beaver creek. You can create an account by using the “Register” button located at the top of the page.

  • 9/7/2023 Board Meeting Agenda

    The board meeting for 9/7/2023 can be found below. (there are in no particular order) Old business  New Business  The Re-Prioritizing of items list is to be used to discuss and prioritize the order in which these will be completed now that our existing tax issue has been resolved.

    Read more: 9/7/2023 Board Meeting Agenda
  • Dump Closed 9/6/2023

    The dump will be closed on 9/6/2023. Thanks!

    Read more: Dump Closed 9/6/2023
  • No more login needed for the website

    As of 9/6/2023 a login is no longer required to access most of the beaver creek website, including the ACC request form. The Minutes are still not available online as of this time but should be available shortly. Until they are back online, you can request a free physical copy in the office during the…

    Read more: No more login needed for the website
  • The ACC is growing! Volunteers needed.

    As beaver creek continues to grow, our needs and requirements as a neighborhood also increase. As such, we’re looking for two new members to join the ACC. The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) in Beaver Creek is entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining architectural standards and preserving the visual harmony within the community. The committee’s main…

    Read more: The ACC is growing! Volunteers needed.
  • Mallard Lake Gets a Face lift

    It has been a long time since any significant work was put into the lakes and parks in Beaver Creek. In 2022 BCLO put in a basketball court at Teal lake that doubles as a helicopter landing pad, as well as two small playgrounds with playground equipment for the kids of beaver creek. In 2023…

    Read more: Mallard Lake Gets a Face lift
  • PHI Helicopter Landing Zone

    There has been extensive discussion lately regarding the suitability of the basketball court constructed at Teal Lake as a landing spot for helicopters. We have received numerous arguments both outlining whether they can or can not land helicopters at the basketball court pad. As of May 11, 2023, we have obtained an official response from…

    Read more: PHI Helicopter Landing Zone
  • 4/6/2023 BCLO Inc board meeting rescheduled for 4/13/2023

    BCLO Inc is unable to make a quorum for the meeting scheduled for 4/6/2023. Due to this, the BCLO Inc monthly meeting has been rescheduled for 4/13/2023. If this changes any, please refer back to the website for additional information. If you have any questions, you can comment on this post, use the contact us…

    Read more: 4/6/2023 BCLO Inc board meeting rescheduled for 4/13/2023
  • A Beaver Creek Welcome Committee Has Been Formed!

    Starting April 1st, 2023 a new Beaver Creek welcome committee will be setting appointments, and welcoming new residents to Beaver Creek. If you are wanting information for yourself because you just never got the run down of everything, you too can schedule an appointment with the welcome committee! The welcome committee is charged with sitting…

    Read more: A Beaver Creek Welcome Committee Has Been Formed!
  • New dump rules starting 3/1/23

    As of March 1st, 2023 (3/1/2023) additional rules will be replacing any existing rules for the Beaver Creek Dump, which is located at the end of post office road in the Beaver Creek Community. In order to utilize the dump service as a member of Beaver Creek, you must follow the rules as outlined below…

    Read more: New dump rules starting 3/1/23
  • Invoices & Late Payments

    It looks like the invoices were re-sent after the packets arrived and should now be in everyones mailbox. Invoices are due on March 1st, 2023, regardless of what your paper invoice says on it. When you receive your invoice you can make a payment multiple different ways. Once payment has been made you’ll be entitled…

    Read more: Invoices & Late Payments