ACC Request Form

Please read this entire document carefully. Answer all questions in the appropriate sections and include any needed documents with this request when submitting it to the Architectural Control Committee. If the new structure is a shop, outbuilding, or other structure that will not be used as living spaces, it may not require septic and water. If this is the case, attach a plot plan to the file upload section on section 4 as indicated.

If you need to attach additional images that you have that are not digital, you can do so by referencing your ACC request at the office and we can assign the images to your ACC request.

This form is broken into 4 sections, with the order of those sections listed below.

  • Personal information section
  • Septic systems installation
  • Water systems installation
  • Physical building installation / modification

If you have any questions or concerns about a specific section or question, please reach out to us using our contact us page located here.

Step 1 of 4

Personal Information

Please provide the personal information requested below. Once you have completed this section, please use the next button located at the bottom of the page to move on to the next section.
Please note that this is for your mailing address, not your 911 address.