Mailboxes Are Ready!

The mailboxes are ready to be distributed to residents that need one. However; please review a list of the prerequisites to getting a mailbox. If you do not meet these, you are not going to be issued a mailbox.

  1. You must have filled out the mailbox request form located here :

That’s all you have to do! Once you’re on the list, a mailbox can be issued. If you did not fill out this form when we asked in the past, a mailbox has not been provided to you. You will need to fill out this form. If you did fill out the form you will need to attend the July 7th 2022 BCLO inc meeting where mailboxes will be past out. If you can not attend this meeting, you will be called and scheduled for a time to collect your keys. If you attempt to show up at the post office to get your box, a box will not be provided. If you attempt to collect a box and did not fill out the form on the website, a box will not be provided.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.


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