What to do with Beaver Creek dogs!

What does the community think about solutions for the dogs? It’s clearly a hot button issue, but, many of the residents are publically stating that they own many of the dogs and that those dogs are harmless. I’d like to go over the only two available options to the BCLO regarding dogs.

1. Make a donation to a shelter that can come out and start picking up dogs on our behalf. The logistics of this would be a no-kill shelter, someone else would be responsible for rounding them up over time (Not BCLO), and the goal would be to adopt the dogs out to people. We already have a shelter that will do this, finding someone to do it isn’t the issue, the $$ is the primary issue with this.

2. Send letters to everyone that owns a dog that’s causing a nuisance. This process requires a letter to be sent to the dog owner from us, then the lawyer, then the lawyer again. By the time the resident goes to court with us, we will have spent the same amount of money it would have taken to have someone come out and grab the dog. However; during court, we would request all court costs be paid back to us by the resident.

Option two comes with time delays, the process from start to finish would take approximately 120 days.

Option one comes with additional logistical issues. In Texas, you have to try and find the owner for at least 3 days before they lose ownership of the dog. I suspect if we start taking dogs out of the neighborhood in masses numerous people would not know, lose their dog, and be pretty upset.

If a third party came out to grab the dogs there may be a fee added for someone to get their dog back from the third party that picked up the dog. This is more of a preliminary “what does everyone think”. The final logistics of the entire operation are not known at this time.

Just below this post is a small poll, if you could please voice your concerns on what you think is best we would greatly appreciate it. If you have alternative ideas, feel free to let us know!

Which option for dogs is best?

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