Beaver Creek Food Assistance Announcement

Beaver creek is beginning its early planning stages of procuring assistance for the residents in beaver creek that need it in the form of food.

During our planning phase, we really need to try and get an idea of the number of people that need assistance. If you could please use the form below to let us know that you need assistance, it would help make this process much faster. The form to let us know that you need assistance will remain active for the foreseeable future.

If you know of anyone that needs assistance please work with them to get us their information so we can continue to update our data for planning purposes. We plan to have an update on the progress of this process at the next BCLO board meeting. I will also post updates as we gather information on the progress.

If you would like to volunteer your time please also let us know! You can let us know you want to help by reaching out and contacting us. We currently are not taking any donations for food.

If you have any questions, or suggestions on the process, we ask that you let us know via our contact-us tool located here: Contact Us

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