Beaver Creek is starting the first-ever craft show! The craft show will be held on the 3rd Saturday of every month at the fire station. Anyone and everyone is welcome to bring the crafts they wish to sell/show off! Instructions on what needs to be done and how to join in the festivities can be found below! This means the first craft show in Beaver creek will be on 9/18/2021.
- You must bring your own awning and tables.
- We ask that you do not block access to the fire station.
- The craft show will be from 8A – 12P (8 to noon)
- You are responsible for your own taxes, certifications, and any licenses needed if applicable
you do not need to notify the board if you wish to partake, and it will be loosely overseen. This is a community event and we’re expecting everyone to act like adults and have an awesome time.
If you have any questions about the craft show specifically, as always you can reach out to use via our contact us page located here.